This Week
Saturday 14th December – Sunday 22nd December (Psalter Week 3) |
Holy Mass Intentions | Devotions &
Other Events |
Saturday 14th December
Memorial of St John of the Cross, Priest, Doctor of the Church |
12:30pm Ints Leo Hughes | 12:00pm Confession |
Sunday 15th December
THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Retiring collection for Christmas Flowers |
8:30am RIP Ralph Lloyd
10:30am Ints Deacon Terry |
Coffee &Tea in the Parish Centre after 10:30am Mass by S.V.P
12:00pm Baptism |
Monday 16th December
Advent Feria |
11:30pm Ints John Beirne | 11:00am Divine Mercy |
Tuesday 17th December
Advent Feria |
9:15am Ints Payal Gordhan | 7:00pm Advent Penitential Service |
Wednesday 18th December
Advent Feria |
9:15am Holy Name School
RIP Tom McCormack 11:30am RIP Segley and Evelyne Rose |
11:00am Rosary
7:30pm Baptism Talk |
Thursday 19th December
Advent Feria |
9:00am St. Mark’s School Ints Frances Quiwlisic
9:15am Ints Theresa Hayward |
Friday 20th December
Advent Feria |
11:30am Healing Mass
RIP Mr & Mrs K.J. Cherian |
11:00am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament |
Saturday 21st December
Advent Feria |
12:30pm RIP Georgette Tammam
RIP Teague & Doris Roarty |
12:00pm Confession
1:30pm Senior Citizen’s Party |
Sunday 22nd December
FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Retiring collection for Christmas Flowers |
8:30am Kitty Freeman
10:30am RIP Michael Joseph Freeman |
No Coffee Morning |